Our Vision
Like that of its founder, Frédéric Ozanam, the vision of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul "is to embrace the world in a network of charity."
Like that of its founder, Frédéric Ozanam, the vision of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul "is to embrace the world in a network of charity."
Donations Needed! Tax Deductible! Please Donate Now!!!
Booths #26 & #27
Display Cases #302-#305 & #918 at
1850 E. Ridge Rd
Behind Planet Fitness
Visit our store!
Come browse our aisles and aisles of merchandise!
Find that hidden treasure you’ve been searching for!
Look for our signs at Clifford Ave. and N. Clinton Ave.
Cash preferred. Checks accepted. No credit or debit cards.
St. Vincent’s Treasure Trove
Open 11AM-4PM
Fridays in March 2025
(items marked “firm” excluded)
Call: (585) 330-8148
All proceeds help the non-profit St. Vincent de Paul Society in its mission of helping those most in need… right here in Rochester.
The St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Conference of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is a Catholic lay organization that serves as the hands of Christ in our community. We serve all God’s people with the utmost respect and in deepest humility. Following the compassionate tradition of the Society’s founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and our patron, St. Vincent DePaul, we provide person-to-person assistance to those in need regardless of religious affiliation, race, or national origin. Our Conference reaches out to other organizations and to people of good will to ensure that every resource available is used to help the poor of our community.
Pope Francis calls us to serve…and there’s no better place to start than right here at home!
Become a volunteer with the St. Vincent de Paul Society and help serve those most in need right here in Rochester.
Opportunities include:
Interested? Call Peter Schaad at (585) 338-2330.
Replacing your living room or bedroom set? We’ll pick it up and find it a good home!
We need:
Donated items go directly to those in need or are sold at our store to finance the purchase of additional goods for those in need.
To arrange a pick-up or for more information, call (585) 338-2330.
Monetary donations are also welcome and are tax deductible. Click here for info.
Donate a Vehicle. Help Those in Need.
Two easy ways to donate your vehicle for auction:
The sale of each vehicle provides a significant benefit for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Your support will provide funding for transitional job training, food pantries and local thrift stores. You could earn a tax deduction, too.
Click here to donate!
Rochester Institute of Technology is proud to offer
the Rochester City Scholars program
to graduates of the Rochester City School District who are admitted as freshman to full-time study in baccalaureate programs at the University.
This scholarship program, for those meeting elegibility requirements, will cover full tuition at RIT.
Apply by January 15th.
Click here for more information!